Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Where are the clinics located? 

A:  Both clinics are in downtown Cleveland, side by side, at 254 and 256 Broad St SW. We are right next to Capital Tire.

Q: Can I walk in and be seen by the dentist/doctor the same day?

A: Most likely, no. Patients must qualify for services by first going through the financial screening process (see Become a Patient tab). Once approved, patients pay $25 cash for the initial appointment, which is usually at a later date.  We do not take same day appointments because we have a large patient load and one provider at each clinic. However, we can place your name on a cancellation list, and will work to move your appointment up sooner. If you have an emergency that needs to be taken care of immediately, please visit your nearest Emergency Department. 

Q:  Do I need an appointment for the financial screening?

A:  No. You can drop in for a financial screening Tuesday or Thursday at either clinic, between the hours of 9-11 am or 1-3 pm. Click the Become a Patient tab for details on what to bring. 

Q: I do not live in Bradley County, can I be a patient at your office?

A: Karis Medical sees Bradley and Polk County residents! Unfortunately, we can only see Bradley County residents at Karis Dental at this time due to guidelines set by our funders. We are more than happy to provide you with some names of other clinics that may be able to help you.

Q: Is there anyone in your office who speaks Spanish?

A: Yes! We have staff members who are bilingual and will be able to provide interpretive services. However, please plan to bring your own interpreter if possible to your appointment with the doctor. 

Q: I have insurance with a high deductible/it doesn’t cover much. Can I be seen in your office?  

A: Karis Dental Clinic sees patients with Adult TennCare (BlueCare, United Healthcare, Wellpoint). Patients still must still complete the financial screening to determine eligibility. We provide services for residents of Bradley County who are uninsured and live at 150% or below the federal poverty level. 

Q:  Do you take debit/credit cards or personal checks?

A:  No. We only take cash payments or money orders.

Q: I do not have the money to pay for my next appointment, can I still schedule one?

A: Unfortunately, all appointments must be paid for in advance before they are scheduled. You may pay on larger cost procedures a little at a time, like layaway, but the appointment will not be made until it is paid in full. 

Q: What is your cancellation/late policy?

A: Due to a very full schedule, we allow a 10 minute time frame if someone is running late to their appointment. If you show up after 10 minutes, it is likely that we will have to reschedule. If you are unable to come to your appointment, we ask for 24-48 hours notice if at all possible. We have set aside your appointment time just for you! If you do not show, you are charged a $25 fee, and will need to pay this again to reschedule. All appointments must be confirmed the day before; Karis Community Health does have the right to cancel the appointment if not confirmed.

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